Friday, September 19, 2014

The History of Us

So, as I'm sure you've all gathered from my blogs name, I am a widowed AMMO wife.  Which came as a 100% complete surprise to me exactly 6 months ago today.  But before I go into how I became a widow at the ripe age of 24, I want to give you all the wonderful history of us.  The history to the amazing, true love story that will last through the eternities.  

You see, we met in high school through a wonderful mutual friend.  We'd heard a lot about each other because we both played sports, him football and me softball.  But neither of us knew exactly who each other were.  There was no face with that name.  Until one Friday night at our High School's football game, we finally were able to put a face to that name.  I thought to myself, Oh my Lord!!  This is him???  This is the guy that the whole softball team ALWAYS talked about???  This is the guy that was in my
CP English writing class (before I dropped it) that I got to stare at but never knew who he was???  Oh LORD!!!  So handsome.  So amazingly HOTT!!!  Seriously took my breath away when I finally realized who he was.  Now you might be asking yourself, was it love at first sight?  Um, yes.  In every aspect of the words.  But he tested his fish in the sea before finally realizing that he should give me a shot.   After he realized this, it didn't take long for him to swoop me off my feet in true Dustin fashion and ask me to be his girlfriend.  With lots of amazingly, convincing words all while I celebrated my 18 birthday 7 1/2 years ago.  Did this just happen?  Did the man of my dreams really just ask me to be his girlfriend?  YES!!  HE DID!!  From then on I knew I was going marry him.  I knew I was going to have a family with him.  I knew he was the one for me.  Over the next several months of dating and him helping me through some pretty rough life changes, we grew to love each other so very deeply.  Deeper than anything either of us had ever felt.  We went to Senior Prom together.  We graduated together.  We broke up.  We got back together.  We moved in with each other.  We moved out and away from each other.  But nothing could keep us separated.  We could never be without each other for longer than 24 hours.  Even during a breakup.  We continued to live with each other for about 2 years when I finally asked him what he was doing with his life.  If he wanted to marry me and start a life with me.  He immediately said of course I do!  So we went looking for rings, found one and I ended up having to buy it.  Yes, I payed for my engagement ring.  But if it meant that I got to marry the man of my dreams, I didn't give a rats a$$!!  So, we got engaged in October of 2008, while wrestling on our bed like we did for fun quite often.  After the hype of us getting engaged settled I asked him again what he was gonna do as a career in life.  I told him he needed to figure out what he was going to do with his life so he could pay me back for the ring and say that he payed for the engagement ring.  Well, like he had always told me he wanted to do, in November he enlisted in the Air Force and decided then that he was going to make being an American Airman his career.   

Soon after we were engaged though he started taking the missionary discussions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He decided pretty quickly that he wanted to be baptized so that we could be sealed together for all time and eternity.  Because we were living together without being married, we moved up our wedding from April to January so he could get baptized.   Completely  surprised our families and it was thought to be a shotgun wedding but we wanted to do things right.  It was the best decision we had ever made.  We loved each other so deeply and wanted to be together for all time and eternity.  We were married civilly on January 10, 2009 and he was baptized a week later.  Soon after we married we became pregnant with our first baby.  A sweet girl who changed our lives forever in the next best way possible after being married to each other.  Dustin then left for Basic Military Training on April 7th, 2009, graduated in June and finished his technical training for his job as an AMMO troop in August.  We embarked on our new adventure as a newlywed Air Force couple and pregnant with our first child on Labor Day weekend in 2009.  It was a fun, new adventure we were so excited to start.  We were excited to experience new things.  Discover who we really were together as a couple.  And we did.  The next 4 1/2 years brought TDY's, long work days and weeks, 3 more kids, finally a temple sealing and a relationship that grew so tremendously it amazed everyone who knew us.  But then one day this wonderful, amazing, earthly relationship came to an abrupt end.  BAM.  Just like that.  Quicker than the blink of an eye.  He was gone.  My world ended.  The whole history of us really truly became the history of us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You are a great writer Bri. Waiting for the next segment:)
