Saturday, December 31, 2016

Pulling Weeds

Well, well, well.  2016 is coming to an end.  Where in the world did the year go?!  I'm still baffled as to where 2015 went.  Really don't remember much from that year.  And I feel like now that 2016 is ending, I'm finally beginning.    

Yesterday I decided to go out back with my kiddos.  To watch them play and enjoy the beautiful weather. As I was basking in the beauty of it all I noticed TONS of weeds.  We've had lots of rain here lately and when there is lots of rain, there are lots of weeds.  So I decided I was going to pull them so that our backyard could be beautiful once again.

As I started pulling the weeds I found some interesting things.  The first thing I found were some worms.  I picked some up to show the kids and they all squealed and ran away.  Then I found a dead lizard that was completely intact and then I found multiple dead lizards, but half eaten.  So a half eaten lizard graveyard, probably started by good ol'Tipps, our cat.  Well finding those things didn't stop me.  I discarded them and kept pulling away.  Then I realized something!  I had the Aha! moment I'd been looking for all year!

Pulling these weeds and finding all of this nastiness amongst them is just like life!!

You're probable asking, What the F       !!!  But let me explain.

Weeds are unpleasant, worms are gross and dead lizards, whole or half eaten, are disgusting.  But, yesterday I made the choice to take all of those unpleasant, gross and disgusting things out of my backyard because I wanted to keep it beautiful!!  I could've just as well left them there and stopped at the first set of weeds, worm or dead lizard.  I was determined though.  I was determined to make my backyard pretty again.

Are you following?

You see, I made the choice to deal with all of the nastiness so that I could make my backyard beautiful.  Just like in my life, I am given the choices to choose whether or not I want to take out the stressful, nasty and disheartening things that stand in my way.  I have the free agency to make my life what I want it to be.  

Now, will it happen by pulling only one weed?  No-sir-y!!  It will happen by pulling all of the weeds, at my own pace, as I see fit.  And there will be things like worms and dead lizards along the way to make pulling those weeds a little harder?  Yes, of course!!  But if I keep at it, discarding those things, I will make my life just what I want it to be!    

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